Maher is the protagonist of this story that takes place on the banks of the Nile in Sudan, dealing with the imagination of this brick worker living in exile in Darfur. Days of exhausting work are punctuated by the exercise of a peculiar post-work activity: the construction of a structure made of mud and other materials. Everything takes place in the desolation of normality until the day his creation disappears.
At a dam on the Nile River, mud is carried by Maher and the other workers, water flows, a lost dog wanders. Around them, the desert and the open wound. The imagery of Sudan is hidden between the lines of this decadent reality and a figure made of mud comes to life. The political setting is the Sudanese Revolution for the life of non-professional actor Maher El Khair, who makes mud bricks in real life and fiction. He builds his own truth. Ali Cherri felt the need to represent the invisible, silent violence: the workers who listen to the radio, without ever commenting. Life goes on. (Bianca Dias)