The idea is simple: try to do a backflip. But in order not to get hurt, the easiest thing is to create a digital avatar with the help of a processor and a machine learning system. So the avatar learns to do a backflip in no time. And nobody gets hurt.
I’ve never done a backflip, or a frontflip for that matter. I have a friend who did a backflip once and never shut up about it. I understand, I was a bit jealous, I wish I had done a backflip but I feel like it’s too late for me. Now I’m jealous of Nikita Diakur’s avatar that with the help of a 6-core processor and machine learning can do 360 jumps an hour and 8640 jumps a day and with each jump learns more and more about the art of doing a backflip. Since my computer is only a 4-core I’ll have to live my dream of doing a backflip vicariously through Nikita Diakur. (Rui Mendes)