This code of conduct sets out IndieLisboa's commitment and expectation towards all people involved in IndieLisboa's activities - from the organisation to the group of participants, as creative people, industry or public - to ensure a positive experience, free from harassment, discrimination, sexism and intimidation.
We aim to encourage the free exchange of ideas and experiences built on mutual respect, in a safe and inclusive environment for people of all ethnicities, identities, gender expressions, disabilities, neurodevelopmental disorders, sexual orientations, nationalities, religions, ages, physical appearance and body size, level of education, languages spoken, with different states of migration or different economic situations.
IndieLisboa reserves the right to condemn behaviour that violates this commitment, and to revoke access to the events and venues to anyone who engages in such conduct, without prior notice or refund.
Anyone wishing to report behaviour contrary to this code of conduct must notify a member of the team on site or send an e-mail to Rosária Vale, IndieLisboa Cultural Association's directorate: [email protected].
Should you prefer to maintain confidentiality or feel that objectivity and impartiality may be compromised, we encourage counselling through the Portuguese Association for Victim Support, APAV, which provides assistance to victims of ALL crimes, as well as their families and friends.