Late Night with the Devil revolves around the remarkable performance by David Dastmalchian (a frequent James Gunn collaborator) as host of the talk show Night Owls with Jack Delroy. The film is presented along the lines of classic vintage found footage joint: a lost recording of a 1977 Halloween episode, where the interviewees are a parapsychologist and a girl who appears to be the only survivor of a mass suicide in a satanic church.
The following text was written on a diary page found in the recording studio of the popular American television program Night Owls with Jack Delroy. The diary page is dated October 31, 1977. The more curious will know that this was the date of the last Night Owls program. The page is torn and illegible in parts, but the most bizarre thing is that its author has never been seen since that night. The text you are about to read is quite disturbing and is not recommended for the faint of heart:
“Today is finally the day I see Jack live!!! He’s so charming, funny and has been so sad since his wife passed away, if only he knew how much his fans love him… Plus it’s Halloween, I LOVE Halloween, this is going to be so much fun!!! (…) This is a dream but I got chills with Christou’s reading, I hope he’s okay, he left throwing up a bit. (…) Everything was fine until (…) showed up! I’ve never seen anything like it, on TV it’s funnier, here I’m so scared. Should I leave? (…) WHY DIDN’T I LEAVE? (…) is dead, DEAD. I think I’m going to die today, I just hope (…) doesn’t look at me.” (Rui Mendes)