The director comes into possession, through a serendipitous internet purchase, of a roll of 16mm film belonging to an unknown family. This film becomes an investigation, through a post-colonial perspective, using digital tools and the clues that the film offers, to deconstruct and investigate the origin of the material and the socio-political and historical context that surrounds it, namely the Apartheid in South Africa.
The first film by a Brazilian visual artist Janaína Nagata was born out of a random purchase of a mysterious 16mm film roll over the internet, and it is in this virtual world where these analogue images will be later returned to be questioned. The investigation unfolds in a sequence shot on a desktop, following the clues and signs found in the images of this film from the private and anonymous archive that are placed against Wikipedia, Google Maps and other digital and public archives. In the street signs, in the faces, in the landscape details of the daily records of a white family in South Africa the questioning eye reveals in a particular way and on a particular timeline the story of Apartheid. (Anastasia Lukovnikova)