Filip Jan Rymsza, who produced The Other Side of the Wind (2018) and Hopper/Welles (2020), wanted to explore the mosquito, considering it humankind’s greatest enemy. The narrative of the film unfolds in August 2007, in a luxurious apartment overlooking New York’s Central Park, where Richard Boca (himself a Wall Street “mosquito”) becomes tormented by creepy occurrences and hordes of those vampiric insects.
Filip Jan Rymsza (1977, Olecko, Poland) is based in Los-Angeles and best known for completing Orson Welles’ final film, The Other Side of the Wind. In addition to writing and directing Mosquito State, Filip also produced Hopper/Welles, an intimate 1970 conversation between Dennis Hopper and Orson Welles. Both films premiered at the 77th Venice International Film Festival, where Mosquito State was awarded the Bisato d’Oro for Best Cinematography.