IndieJúnior A Fishy Fishing Trip A man, a cat, a small boat and a moment of fishing at sea. Both man and cat love fish. The first one he catches, he offers to the cat. But what about when a seagull appears in the mix? Fabrice Luang-Vija France / Belgium 2019, 6'
IndieJúnior A Stone in the shoe It is a school where the teacher is a rabbit, and the students are rabbits too. Unfortunately, the new student is a frog, who feels he is not where he belongs. But nothing that a new friendship can’t cure. Eric Montchaud France 2020, 12'
IndieJúnior A Tiny Tale An aspiring astronaut and a dedicated cyclist (both to her bike and her goal of breaking her record) find an abandoned dog, by the side of the road. And this is where the adventure really begins. Sylvain Cuvillier, Chloé Bourdic, Théophile Coursimault, Noémie Halberstam, Maÿlis Mosny, Zijing Ye France 2020, 8'
IndieJúnior Angry Dogs These dogs are angry. They bark when they see an apple, or a football, or a goldfish. But why are they so angry? A good-natured meditation on rabies, using a crude line to draw these scruffy canines. Shaun Clark United Kingdom 2020, 5'
IndieJúnior Anna and Manon go to the Sea Anna and Manon have plans for after the summer camp. Specific plans to visit an aunt and imagined plans to live in a cave on the beach, never having to be apart. But when the imagined plans seem to become the real ones, their friendship is tested. Catherine Manesse France 2020, 4'
IndieJúnior Bébé Is it the cold, or thirst, maybe hunger, or fear of the dog? This baby personified in a small fire cries without his friends, animals and other fantastic creatures, realizing why. To cheer him up, they launch rockets, bring cakes and invent the catchiest song ever. Margot Reumont, Ornella Macchia, Gwendoline Gamboa Belgium 2020, 3'
IndieJúnior Cornstalk The story of a princess whose height makes her a little clumsy, but not any less optimistic. Finding her prince charming may be a problem, but even for that there will be a solution. Anastasiia Zhakulina Russia 2020, 8'
IndieJúnior Dame Tartine aux fruits Dame Tartine’s house is made of butter and her bed of biscuits. But that’s just the beginning of a delicious adventure. Pascale Hecquet France / Belgium 2020, 4'
IndieJúnior Dinosaurs: The True Story In a world where dinosaurs would have the necessary technology, including their own space exploration agency, to defeat their number one enemy – the asteroid – this could have been the result of this historic clash. Alas, their arms are a bit on the short side. Paul-Louis Aeberhardt France 2020, 4'
IndieJúnior El Mago Georges A film that comments on the most pure and elemental parts of human nature. With the emphasis on the word “magician”, whose root signifies a wise person, we are taken on a journey in which the real magic is in the attention we pay to our instincts. Katalin Egely Hungary 2020, 4'
IndieJúnior Girlsboysmix Wen Long was a baby that presented as both a boy and a girl. Contrary to many cases, Wen remains in an intermediate place. Wen explains that they are a boy and a girl, and this film wants to allow space to everyone that doesn’t feel like they belong to a single category. Lara Aerts Netherlands 2020, 6'
IndieJúnior Hello Monsieur Monsieur is a dog. But a dog that nobody sees. Only his owner. His owner and a boy who usually greets him in the park. When Monsieur disappears … how are they going to find him? Joséphine Gobbi France 2020, 4'
IndieJúnior Hello World ! “What happened? – “You were just born”. “And where did I come from?” – “From an egg”. “And before that?” – “From a bird”. “And before that?”For several brand new, just-hatched animals of different species – such as the owl, the turtle, the salamander or the beaver – the world is a fresh and mysterious place, with all its magic and danger, ready to be discovered. Anne-Lise Koehler, Éric Serre France 2019, 61'
IndieJúnior Ink In two short minutes, we accompany an octopus that just wants the glass that surrounds his habitat to be completely and totally clean. To try and get the task accomplished, he uses all his arms to try to clean one missed spot. Erik Verkerk, Joost van den Bosch Netherlands 2020, 2'