When you are a bat, you sleep upside down and everything is seen upside down. But imagine that instead of sleeping during the day, you take the opportunity to wake up and feel the sun on your wings? The little hermit crab, Bernard, loses the shell that protects him. To face the dangers of the beach, naked, he will need the help of an unusual friend. There is nothing more difficult to overcome than grief, but in Pousse, this crocodile will learn to deal with and overcome this feeling. Write and Return Home tells the story of a beetle girl, who sees her world turned upside down when a fire separates her from her family and traps her in a city where all the dangers are gigantic. The Girl with Busy Eyes, even when she went out on the street, always had her eyes glued to her phone. What can I do to stop looking at him? Mr. Chicken goes to Mars and has already made many trips and met many people. Now he has a new and exuberant goal: going to Mars.