A block of buildings facing the sea is once again threatened by the surrounding forces of nature. Two neighbors contemplate starting over somewhere else.
It’s winter, the light is dim and silence falls like a bluish veil over all things, the crockery objects filmed in chiaroscuro like still life, the sea in the distance cut out by a window, the intermittent light of a siren, sometimes illuminating, sometimes hiding. The foreground: three imposing apartment towers rising above the coastline, ever more at the mercy of the sea. There is something funereal, something of an announced end, at the beginning of this Coast, an ambience to which the soundtrack contributes greatly, which is also permeable to the sound of the sea. Coast tells the story of a woman who, forced to abandon her home due to coastal erosion, must give up the promise of a life by the sea. (Cláudia Marques)