Two twins, still very young, already have a super popular footprint on social media. Their experiments with make-up and clothes are seen by countless people. The venture is supported by their parents. Anything goes when every day is Christmas.
The figure of the influencer has been the object of curiosity, suspicion, condescension or, just as much, derision. As a common practice – social, cultural or economic – this still recent phenomenon nevertheless lacks study and moral questioning. In Christmas, Every Day, Peyton and Lyla, two 12-year-old pre-teens, embark on a journey of experimenting with products, reviews and videos for TikTok. This fascinating documentary offers a reflection on the limits of digital fame and the ethical dilemmas faced by a generation growing up under the virtual spotlight. When the line between reality and appearance is often blurred, Peyton and Lyla are driven by currents that seem beyond their control, guided by the expectations of the adults around them, who believe they are shaping the best future for them, both online and offline. (Jéssica Pestana)