Annabelle Amoros delves into the world of tornadoes at the heart of the United States, within communities affected by these meteorological phenomena and the ways in which capitalism has to respond to the fears of those who want to protect themselves.
Annabelle Amoros is a regular at IndieLisboa, and Tornadoes marks her sixth short film appearance at the festival. Her films explore peculiar spaces, their inhabitants and the nature around them. Tornadoes is the result of an exquisite exploration of these spaces and the people who inhabit them. We travel to Tornado Alley, an area shared between several states in the United States where tornadoes most easily appear. We follow a group of people whose routine is completely dominated by looking for and chasing tornadoes. Annabelle Amoros offers us a window into a fascinating community with a filmmaking rigor that is equally noteworthy. (Rui Mendes)