01 MAY — 11 MAY 2024

01 MAY — 11 MAY 2024

NC Shorts 3

May 29, Wednesday, 19:00 (82')

Culturgest, Auditorium Emílio Rui Vilar • C.249

Man of Aral

As a staged tale of a sea with no water, Man of Aral presents the erosion of the Aral Sea landscape and of the film material itself as competing human and geological timelines through distant views of a rapidly yet almost invisibly changing territory, a key event of unprecedented scale.
Helena Gouveia Monteiro
Ireland / France / Portugal

2023, 7'


Tomé’s birth was nothing short of a miracle. On the day of his 18th birthday, he left for Senhora da Graça to fulfill the promise left by his old parents.
Jorge Cramez

2024, 33'

On Plains of Larger River & Woodlands

Sandy Bay, Tasmania. Imogen and Audrey navigate their lives in isolation. On Plains of Larger River & Woodlands explores the natural and arcade landscape they occupy as foreboding clouds roll in on a brink of a post-apocalyptic existence.
Miguel de Jesus
Portugal / Australia

2024, 13'

Quando a Terra Foge

Amid the fog and the labyrinth of time, while machines probe the geological depths of the mountain, a shepherd searches for an errant cow. Childhood finds its way back, the mountain transforms itself, the cycle continues.
Frederico Lobo
Portugal / Spain

2024, 29'

National Competition



Frederico Lobo, Helena Gouveia Monteiro, Jorge Cramez, Miguel de Jesus