The European Short Film Network (ESFN), which IndieLisboa joined this year, was founded in 2018 to support and promote European short films, following a collaborative vision to strengthen the European film and festival scene. The network has developed programmes of films to be presented in person throughout this year also at the five other member festivals – Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen (Germany), Go Short Festival in Nijmegen (Netherlands), Short Waves Festival Poznan (Poland), Vienna Shorts (Austria) and Uppsala Kortfilmfestival (Sweden).
The focus will be on analogue formats, with two film programmes from the Friedl Kubelka School for Independent Film, in Vienna. Curated by director Philipp Fleischmann, who heads the school’s film department, the Analog Imagination cycle will travel around Europe between April and November.
At the festival, the programme will be screened at the Cinemateca Portuguesa, on film. For 17 years, the school has been promoting artistic practices and offering exchanges with renowned film artists, thus shaping a whole generation of analogue filmmakers. Made and exhibited in Super-8, 16-mm and 35-mm films, these works show a deeply personal and formally independent cinema of expression.
Analog Imagination – Selected Works from School Friedl Kubelka for Independent Film
Programme 1:
Juri, Johannes Schrems, 2009-2014
At the Edge of the Curtain, Antoinette Zwirchmayr, 2022
ya nadie cabe en este mundo, y menos el, Nigel Gavus, 2023
Child with Mother, Wilma Calisir, 2019
Notes for the woodshed, Daniel Owusu, 2022
Programme 2:
Sonnenfilm, Antonia de la Luz Kasik, 2022
so stones talk talk talk, Simon Dallaserra, 2022
matte study, Nina Porter, 2022
t t t touch me, Raphael Reichl, 2019
Tirana, Eva Claus, 2020
2Heim, Eva Claus, 2018
Proposal to project in 4:3, Viktoria Schmid, 2016
W O W (Kodak), Viktoria Schmid, 2016
Austrian Pavilion, Philipp Fleischmann, 2019
Atlantic 35, Manfred Schwaba, 2015