01 MAY — 11 MAY 2024

01 MAY — 11 MAY 2024

Died Anna Karina, Nouvelle Vague icon and Independent Hero of IndieLisboa 2019

The Danish-born actress, known for her roles in Jean-Luc Godard films and Nouvelle Vague icon, died of cancer on Saturday. She was 79 years old.

Anna Karina participated in seven Godard films in the 1960s, Le Monde recalls.

Anna Karina was elected one of the Independent Heroes of the IndieLisboa 2019 edition, which revealed her filmography in the context of Nouvelle Vague in sessions that were organized in partnership with the Portuguese Cinematheque (Cinemateca Portuguesa). Due to health issues, the actress could not be present in her retrospective.

Despite not being able to come to Portugal, the actress wrote a note especially for the festival and its audience:

IndieLisboa Died Anna Karina, Nouvelle Vague icon and Independent Hero of IndieLisboa 2019

“Chers organisateurs, bénévoles et public ayant lieu to Lisbonne, with this sincerité that the record of my pas pouirir will come to the fêve with me merveilleux hommage which is my consacre cette anné 2019. More performance victime of a great fatigue et you are fragile, you are for the voyager.

Pardonnez moi de nes pas ette avec vous. From tout mon couer, I remember the festival ainsi which is public. “

“Dear organizers, volunteers and the public that is taking place in Lisbon, I sincerely regret that I could not celebrate with you this wonderful tribute that was dedicated to me this year 2019. But nowadays the victim of great fatigue and vast fragility is not advisable for me to travel.

Forgive me for not being with you. With all my heart, I hug the festival as well as the audience. ”

Forever our Independent Hero.

Thank you, Anna Karina.